Have your say: draft Governance rules
Cardinia Shire Council, as required by the new local government act (Local Government Act 2020), has placed draft Governance Rules on community exhibition.
Under Section 60 of the new Act, all councils across Victoria must adopt Governance Rules by 1 September 2020. These rules describe the way councils will conduct council meetings and make decisions.
This process will bring together a series of existing local laws and policies into one overall set of rules that are designed to ensure good governance by council in accordance with the overarching governance principles and supporting principles of the Act.
The draft Governance Rules cover:
- conduct of council and delegated committee meetings
- form and availability of meeting records
- election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor
- the election period policy
- procedures for disclosing conflict of interest.
Community feedback closes 5pm Wednesday 29 July 2020.
For more information about this consultation and to have your say online, visit Council’s website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay