Community Capital Works Grants – info sessions

Published: 17 November 2020

Want to learn more about Cardinia Shire Council’s upcoming Community Capital Works Grants for community groups?

Attend an online community information session at 10am on Wednesday 25 November for the 2021-22 round of community capital works grants.    

The Community Capital Works Grants (CCWG) program assists community groups to improve community and recreational facilities to support community networks and enhance community wellbeing.  

The 2021-22 program is the first of its kind following the program’s revision in 2020. The new-look grants have been designed to be more accessible to community members and groups across our shire.  

The CCWG program now consists of three categories:  

  • Community Capital Works Grants: Grants available from a set priorities list that will benefit the enhancement of the facility. Council manages project works on the community’s behalf. 
  • Community Capital Works Partnership Grants: Community group choice of project works that will benefit the enhancement of a Council asset/facility, increase participation, inclusion and be fit for purpose. Community managed projects with advice and guidance from Council. 
  • Major Equipment Grants: Grants to purchase major equipment to assist in the maintenance of sporting grounds, outer grounds or large internal areas.  

The information session will cover: 

  • grant application process and timeline 
  • eligibility criteria 
  • policy priority areas 
  • project support and requirements 
  • Council contacts and support 

Applications for Council’s 2021-22 Community Capital Works Grants program are due to open in early 2021.  

Event details:  

Date:  Wednesday 25 November 2020 at 10am 

Registrations are essential:   

For more information about Council’s Community Capital Works Grant program, visit Council’s website at or call the Customer Service team on 1300 787 624. 

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