Removal of material on Emerald bus shelter

Published: 31 March 2016

Cardinia Shire Council has recently removed material from a bus shelter in Emerald as part of its regular streetscape cleaning service.

This bus shelter is being treated no differently to any other public asset in Cardinia Shire. Council is required to maintain it in an appropriate manner and ensure it is not used as a noticeboard for any material, no matter the subject matter.

A public noticeboard which is located a short distance from this bus shelter has recently been upgraded and is an appropriate place for posting notices of public interest. Council is happy to work with the Emerald community to arrange access to this board for publicising future material.

Council has met with the Emerald Village Committee to discuss ongoing arrangements for the bus shelter and a proposal is being explored to retain the existing shelter as a public art piece.

The posting of any form of unauthorised notice, flyer or poster in public places, such as bus stops, does contravene Local Law 17 and is considered vandalism. Council officers have the authority to take action and in this case, remove unauthorised material on a public asset, regardless of the topic.

Council is responsible for the maintenance of all bus stops in Ranges and Port wards.

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