Keep a look out for Cardinia’s cold-blooded reptiles over summer

Published: 14 December 2020

Cardinia Shire residents are being urged to be on the lookout for snakes in reserves and wetlands throughout the shire as the weather starts to warm up over summer.

This time of the year is where our cold-blooded reptile friends will likely be spotted around bushland areascreeks and rivers. 

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Brett Owen said with the increase in residents spending more time outdoors, it was important to discuss the likelihood of encounters with snakes and what residents should do when faced with those situations. 

Snakes are a natural and accepted part of the environment. When left alone, snakes present little or no danger to people,” Cr Owen said. 

“If you see a snake, it is important to keep calm and move yourself and anyone with you away from the area. 

“If someone is bitten by a snake, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.” 

Snakes are known to bite animals such as dogs and cats if they feel threatened. If your dog or cat encounters a snake, remove your pet from the area. If you suspect your pet has been bitten by a snake, take it to a vet immediately. 

Residents should not attempt to capture or harm snakes.  

Snakes are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975 and it is illegal to capture, harm, or kill them. 

For further advice, please call the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) on 136 186 or call a licensed snake catcher. 

Council's wetlands in summer

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