Pop-up outdoor dining support extended

Published: 2 March 2021

An innovative pop-up outdoor dining program backed by the Victorian Government and Cardinia Shire Council is set to be extended.

Expressions of interest are now open for businesses to apply for a free parklet.

Parklets are a temporary, pop-up outdoor dining areas designed to quickly bring additional outdoor dining space to the streets of Cardinia.  

The early seeds of success were sown over summer with Cardinia Shire Council’s trial parklet program launching in Pakenham.  

“While COVID-19 has presented plenty of challenges, it’s also been a time where we’ve had to think outside the box and react quickly to the changing environment. We trialled the parklet concept over summer in Pakenham and we’re now on the lookout for new restaurants, cafes and bars across the shire that would love to host a parklet from March onwards,” explained Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Brett Owen.

Cardinia Shire Councillor and COVID-19 Community Recovery Committee Chair, Councillor Tammy Radford says al fresco dining had proven particularly popular with locals over the summer months giving venues a welcome boost as the community sought to get out and support local businesses. 

“Outdoor dining certainly brought a buzz to the streets of the shire following a tough year. It’s great to see the community embrace Cardinia venues and show them some much needed love,” said Cr Radford.  

Eligible businesses are encouraged to visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/autumnparkletprogram for more information. 

Eligible hospitality businesses interested in discussing parklets are also invited to contact Council’s Business Concierge on 1300 787 624 or business@cardinia.vic.gov.au 

Applications close 12 March 2021. 

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