Aboriginal and CALD Sports Assistance Program is now open

Published: 9 March 2021

Cardinia Shire Council’s Aboriginal and CALD Sports Assistance Program is now open.

The program provides financial support to enable young people from Aboriginal and CALD communities who live in Cardinia Shire to join a sporting club.  

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Brett Owen said this program was aimed at helping those young people from Aboriginal or CALD backgrounds who could not afford to start or continue taking part in sport.  

“Sport not only improves wellbeing and physical health but also helps people feel included in their community,” Cr Owen said.  

“For some of our Aboriginal and CALD community members, not being able to afford to take part in sport is one of the main things that stop them participating in sporting clubs.  

“We are hoping this financial assistance will help in this space and get our diverse communities more active and involved in local sports programs.” 

Cardinia Shire Council will pay 50% of the sporting club membership fee, up to a maximum of $250 every year for each participant. 

A number of sporting clubs have become ‘clubs of choice’ under the Aboriginal and CALD Sport Assistance Program. This means that these clubs have actively signed up to be a part of the program and have undergone inclusion and diversity training. 

If you wish to join a club which is not listed below, Cardinia Shire Council will work with the club to support your participation.  

  • Bunyip Tennis Club  
  • Bunyip & District Soccer Club 
  • Garfield Football Club 
  • Officer Tennis Club 
  • Officer City Soccer Club 
  • Upper Beaconsfield Cricket Club 
  • Reach Gymnastics 

If your club is interested in becoming part of the program, contact our Active Communities Team on 1300 787 624. 

Applications for the Winter season close 30 April or until funding allocation is exhausted. Applications for the Summer season will open in August 2021. 

For more information about Cardinia Shire’s Aboriginal and CALD Sports Assistance Program, www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/sportsprogram 

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