Connect magazine has hit the streets!

Published: 1 June 2021

The latest edition of Connect magazine has hit the streets of Cardinia Shire.  

Connect is Council's official publication providing community members with updates and information about our programs, services, facilities, events and activities. It also highlights the many ways we work in partnership with and support the local community.  

This edition of Connect features a range of information and resources for community members, including details on: 

  • Access keys 
  • How we’re supporting our diverse communities 
  • Major projects and roads updates 
  • Waste services 
  • And more! 

For more information about Connect magazine, or to read the latest edition online, visit Council’s website at or call 1300 787 624. 

Please note that this edition was printed before the announcement of the State Government’s COVID-19 circuit breaker restrictions. Therefore, there may be some changes to services, facilities and programs featured in this edition since the time of print. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website:  

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