Have your say on road safety

Published: 10 June 2016

Council’s draft Road Safety Strategy 2016–25 is currently seeking community feedback. The strategy aims to reduce the number of people who are affected by road deaths and injuries.

It will be open for feedback until Friday 15 July.

The strategy identifies eight priorities including safety for young families, road users aged over 50, vulnerable road users (such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists), safe roads infrastructure and risky behaviour (such as speed, drink and drug driving, fatigue and distractions).

Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Jodie Owen said the strategy would guide Council’s road safety activities for the next 10 years.

“Road fatalities and serious injuries in Cardinia Shire have reduced by 19 per cent since 2005, but there are still far too many serious accidents. Council’s International Safer Communities survey last year showed road traffic incidents rated among the top three safety issues amongst all age groups and the third highest safety and injury concern of residents overall,” she said.

“This just shows how important road safety is to our community. The draft strategy will outline the areas where we can work to lower road trauma in Cardinia Shire.”

Approximately a third of crashes within the shire are on Council managed roads, with the remainder on VicRoads arterial roads. Crashes are also more likely to occur in the rural areas (86%) than the urban areas (14%).

For more information about the strategy, or to provide feedback, call 1300 787 624.

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