New Westernport Ward councillor Kaye Cameron sworn in

Published: 10 August 2021

The new councillor for Westernport, Kaye Cameron, was sworn in last night filling the vacancy left by much respected former Councillor Ray Brown.

Born in Koo Wee Rup and with a long family connection to Westernport ward, Councillor Cameron follows in the footsteps of her great, great grandfather J.P. Angus Cameron in representing her local community. 

“My great, great grandfather was a Councillor on the then Cranbourne Shire Council for many years. Back in those days, the Cranbourne Shire covered a huge area including Koo Wee Rup. 

“I’ve lived in the Cardinia Shire for almost my entire life and was the first female police officer to be stationed at Pakenham in the tiny Police Station on Main Street,” explains Cr Cameron. 

Outlining her priorities for Council, Cr Cameron says her focus will be on supporting the growth of Westernport taking the community’s views and needs into careful consideration. 

“Westernport ward is quite unique in that it is made up of predominately farmland with the growing towns of Lang Lang and Koo Wee Rup, as well as Cardinia and Bayles. 

“While I want to see Westernport Ward grow and thrive, it is important this growth is appropriate, and the right infrastructure is in place. Equally important is for the community’s needs and concerns to be taken into account,” said Cr Cameron. 

Cr Brett Owen, Mayor of Cardinia Shire, extended a warm welcome to the new councillor. 

“I look forward to working with Cr Cameron in the best interests of the Cardinia Shire community,” he said. 

“There are some exciting community projects underway in Westernport such as the Cora Lynn Reserve pavilion project, the Catani Reserve cricket net upgrade project, Cochrane Park skate park works and the upcoming opening of the Koo Wee Rup Reserve football and netball pavilions and I look forward to working with Cr Cameron on delivering for our community,” Cr Owen said.  

For more information about Cardinia Shire Councillors, visit Council’s website at or call the Customer Service team on 1300 787 624 or email