Ageing Well Newsletter edition 10 is out now!  

Published: 3 October 2021

The tenth edition of Council’s Ageing Well newsletter is out now! 

Ageing Well highlights a range of services and exciting opportunities for seniors to stay healthy and connected in Cardinia Shire. Three thousand copies have been distributed to more than 25 locations across the shire. 

This edition features:  

  • Gardening, the metronome for life. 
  • Garden chat with Edie 
  • Local community gardens / clubs 
  • New program builds social connections 
  • Victorian Seniors Festival 2021 
  • Seniors Festival from your home  
  • Senior of the year 2021 
  • Venture outdoors this spring 
  • Respect in an ageing society - What is Ageism? 
  • Navigate the aged care services maze 
  •               ….and much more!  

Pick up a free copy from a range of locations across the shire including the Cardinia Shire Council Civic Centre (when COVID-19 restrictions allow) or call our Customer Service team on 1300 787 624 and request a copy be sent to you.  

The newsletter can be read online at     

You can also subscribe to the Ageing Well e-publication to be notified via email when a new edition is out:  

For more information about Ageing Well, visit Council’s website at or call the Ageing Well team on 1300 787 624.  

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