White Ribbon Art Gallery now online

Published: 15 November 2021

Local artists and community members have contributed works to the 2021 virtual White Ribbon Art Gallery to raise awareness of and commit to action to prevent men’s violence against women. 

The gallery has been organised by the Cardinia Arts Society with funding from Council. It replaces the traditional White Ribbon Day March, which is unable to go ahead in 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions.  

The gallery is being hosted on Council’s website - Connecting Cardinia. The theme of this year’s gallery is ‘Domestic Violence is Isolating’, with the aim to bring attention to the impacts of family violence and victims’ experiences. The gallery will be live for community viewing for White Ribbon Day, Friday 19 November.  

Artwork will be displayed both online and at the Cardinia Cultural Centre in the main window, foyer area and external projection until December 5. 

The gallery coincides with Respect Victoria’s 16 Days of Activism campaign (25 November to 10 December). The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a global initiative designed to galvanise individuals, communities and organisations to address gender inequalities, gender-based violence and take action to prevent violence before it starts.  

Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Jeff Springfield said the gallery provides community members with an opportunity to come together and raise awareness of the implications of men’s violence against women. 

“There is no excuse for violence against women, and we all have a responsibility to stand up and speak out against behaviours that contribute to gendered violence, and to support women affected by it,” Cr Springfield said. 

“Men’s violence against women is a very real and on ongoing epidemic in Australia, including Cardinia Shire, and unfortunately the COVID pandemic has made the situation worse.  

“I encourage community members to visit this year’s online and physical art galleries, which provides a platform for those who have experienced violence to tell their story, and for others to discuss how we can all make change and commit to action to end men’s violence against women.” 

For more information and to view the artwork visit: https://creating.cardinia.vic.gov.au/white-ribbon-gallery  

For support services and family violence information, please visit the Family Violence section in our Coronavirus Online Help Hub: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/coronavirus   

If you are currently experiencing family violence, and it is an emergency, dial 000 and ask to speak to the police.   

More information  

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