Unwrap Cardinia this Christmas

Published: 29 November 2021

Cardinia Shire’s ‘Unwrap Cardinia’ Christmas campaign is officially launching today.

The last two years have been the most difficult for our Cardinia Shire businesses and residents collectively.

From 1 December, ‘Unwrap Cardinia’ will showcase a virtual ‘advent-ure calendar’ to encourage all residents, their families and friends to support Cardinia Shire businesses over the Christmas holiday period.

The virtual calendar will feature on Cardinia Business’ Facebook page during December and promote activities and events in towns and suburbs throughout the shire.

Council’s Economic Development team is leading the ‘Unwrap Cardinia’ Christmas campaign and hopes it will increase visitation in the shire to support the local economy.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jeff Springfield said he is excited about the ‘Unwrap Cardinia’ Christmas campaign.

“It’s been a hard year for all of us, including our small businesses. But if there’s one thing that the past two years have taught us, it’s that Cardinia Shire has everything we need, right on our doorstep.

“You can support local business in a variety of ways. Have a Christmas catch-up with friends and family at a local cafe, restaurant or winery. Or buy everything you need for Christmas lunch at one of the many fresh produce, meat, seafood and specialist food stores in the region,” Cr Springfield said.

For more visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/unwrapcardinia 


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