Have your say on the proposed redevelopment of tennis courts at Cockatoo 

Published: 5 December 2021

Cardinia Shire Council is encouraging residents to have their say on the proposed redevelopment of the southern tennis courts at Cockatoo Tennis Club.  

Council is planning to redevelop the two courts which will include the demolition of the existing courts and infrastructure.  

Two new synthetic tennis courts with new competition standard LED LUX level lighting- allowing for night and low light level participation, as well fencing, drainage and concrete pathways is planned to be installed once funding is secured. 

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Jeff Springfield is encouraging the community to not only have their say on the proposed development but also how the community would like to use the facilities if they are upgraded. 

“Your participation in this online survey will help us understand how you would like to use these facilities and help us encourage greater use by the community,” Cr Springfield said.  

To have your say on the proposed redevelopment of the southern tennis courts at Cockatoo Tennis Club, visit creating.cardinia.vic.gov.au/southern-cockatoo-tennis-courts

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