Ageing Well Newsletter edition 11 out now!

Published: 2 February 2022

The eleventh edition of Council’s Ageing Well newsletter is out now!

Ageing Well highlights a range of services and exciting opportunities for seniors to stay healthy and connected in Cardinia Shire. Three thousand copies have been distributed to more than twenty-five locations  across the shire, including the Cardinia Shire Council Civic Centre and Cardinia Cultural Centre,  community houses and libraries. 

In this issue: 

  • Local producers open doors to community
  • Family business on the land for over 100 years
  • Nurturing successful retirements
  • Keep your cool this summer
  • Responding to an emergency
  • Increase in scams
  • Ageing well with food
  • Garden beds accessible for all
  • Supermarket tours and food labels
  • Community Centres reopen
  • Access and Ageing in your Shire

The newsletter can be read online at    

You can also subscribe to the Ageing Well e-publication to be notified via email when a new edition is out:

For more information about Ageing Well, visit Council’s website at or call the Ageing Well team on 1300 787 624. 

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