Council and community house discuss Emerald bus shelter
Members of the committee of Emerald Community House (ECH) met with Council officers and Cr Leticia Wilmot on Thursday 21 July.
Agreement has been reached for the existing bus shelter in Belgrave–Gembrook Road, Emerald, to be replaced with a heritage style bus shelter.
The seating in the new shelter will meet disability compliance standards for all-ability access and will be located closer to the bus stop for improved accessibility and visibility.
At the request of ECH, the replacement bus shelter will be painted a heritage cream colour to match the colour scheme of the church hall, located behind the bus stop. Both parties agreed to the mosaic artwork being removed from the existing shelter. Further discussion will be held with ECH to determine the future location of the artwork.
It was agreed that Council will own and maintain the new shelter and ECH will maintain the artwork.
The two parties agreed that the new bus shelter would not be used as a community noticeboard. Council and ECH will work together to install additional bench seating and a community noticeboard, at the site of the previous bus shelter.
Council has received additional proposals from the ECH since the meeting last week regarding installation of future artwork in the bus shelter. These proposals will be considered by Council in due course.
The new shelter will be installed as soon as scheduling of works can be finalised.