New Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected for Cardinia Shire

Published: 14 November 2016

Ranges Ward Councillor Brett Owen was unanimously elected Mayor of Cardinia Shire last night. It is the second time Cr Brett Owen has been Mayor, having previously filled this role in 2012.

Cr Brett Owen said he looked forward to working collaboratively with the new Council on developing a unified vision and clear objectives for the next four years.

“I thank the people of Ranges Ward who gave me great support at the recent election. They have voted me in for my fourth term as councillor and I am proud to be given the privilege of being one of their representatives.

“As Mayor, I am excited to be leading this new Council in its first year. In the coming months we’ll be determining a clear direction and laying the groundwork for achieving our key objectives.

“We have an energetic group of councillors with a diverse range of experience and we have already begun working together to discuss our goal and aspirations for this term of council. Having some experienced councillors and some fresh faces on the team, should prove to be a good recipe for progress that will see us getting on with the business we’ve been elected to do.

“At the end of the day, we’re all here to support our community and work together to achieve positive change. I’m feeling very fortunate to be elected Mayor and to be able to lead us through the first year,” Cr Owen said.

Cardinia Shire’s 2015–16 Mayor Cr Jodie Owen was elected Deputy Mayor for 2016–17.

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