Supporting our community
We encourage a sense of community and belonging across Cardinia Shire by focusing on partnership building and supporting people.
- Access and inclusion
- Aged and disability services
- Ash Wednesday Bushfire Education Centre
- Apply for a grant
- Australia Day in Cardinia Shire
- Australia Day awards
- Build a stronger neighbourhood
- Citizenship ceremonies
- Community groups
- Community group submission guidelines
- Community Leadership Program
- Disability parking permits
- Don't speak English?
- Food relief programs
- Flu vaccinations
- Funding for artists
- Gender equality
- Information for the hearing or vision impaired
- Info for new residents
- Libraries
- Local volunteering
- Neighbourhood houses and community centres
- Our Aboriginal community
- Our LGBTIQ+ community
- Reducing family violence
- School crossing supervisors
- Social and affordable housing
- Stan Henwood Award
- Supporting seniors
- Taking a stand against racism
- Working towards a safer Cardinia